New Mexico | Primaries | Elections 2020 | Fox News

New Mexico


34 delegates

The Democratic race took place June 2nd, 2020.

Candidates Votes % Dels. Delegates
D Biden Joe Biden 180,813 73.31% 30
D Sanders Bernie Sanders 37,213 15.09% 4
D Warren Elizabeth Warren 14,472 5.87% 0
D Uncommitted Uncommitted 6,422 2.60% 0
D Yang Andrew Yang 4,013 1.63% 0
D Gabbard Tulsi Gabbard 2,724 1.10% 0
D Patrick Deval Patrick 971 <1% 0
CLOSED Polls are closed Reporting 98% in


22 delegates

The Republican race took place June 2nd, 2020.

Candidates Votes % Dels. Delegates
R Trump Donald Trump 143,559 91.26% 22
R Uncommitted Uncommitted 13,744 8.74% 0
CLOSED Polls are closed Reporting 98% in

Democrat Races

Results by County

Candidates Votes %
Bernalillo D Democrat
D Biden Joe Biden 63,565 72.30%
D Sanders Bernie Sanders 14,515 16.50%
D Warren Elizabeth Warren 5,768 6.60%
D Uncommitted Uncommitted 1,656 1.90%
D Yang Andrew Yang 1,367 1.60%
D Gabbard Tulsi Gabbard 836 1.00%
D Patrick Deval Patrick 247 <1%
Reporting 100% in

Republican Races

Results by County

Candidates Votes %
Bernalillo R Republican
R Trump Donald Trump 40,857 87.40%
R Uncommitted Uncommitted 5,906 12.60%
Reporting 100% in